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104.1 The Beat - Birmingham's #1 for Hip Hop and R&B, USA

104.1 The Beat - Birmingham's #1 for Hip Hop and R&B, USA

104.1 The Beat - Birmingham

Hip Hop, RnB, USA

Birmingham's #1 for Hip Hop and R&B! Listen to us in the car, online at, and on the FREE iHeartRadio app!

Clear Channel Radio Birmingham has launched a new Hip Hop and R & B formatted radio station called, "104.1 The Beat". Musically, the station will feature artists like Kayne West, Beyonce, Lil' Wayne, and Nicki Minaj. Currently, 104.1 The Beat is playing 10,000 songs in a row, commercial free, as a celebration of its start in Birmingham.

Radio's Website

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